Friday, September 30, 2005

This is SOOO me.

Okay so we go to Baby Gap this morning. The thing is...the effort it took to get there was extraordinary this morning...I could not get into the groove of the day. I wasn't really keen on shopping and really felt on a mission to get in and GET OUT! These are the sort of things you do when you have a toddler who hates the stroller. But, alas, I went with a friend. So, you do the window shopping, try on clothes thing and spend way too much of the daily allotted "non-meltdown" time in the mall. Fine. I got the Robeez for Syd at Nordy's...then off to Baby Gap. All is good. I got the shoes.

Get to Baby Gap. HUGE SALE. H-U-G-E. If you know me...even a know that when I see SALE that means....oooooooooooooooh la la. So, browsing thru I see tons of cute fall/winter stuff that we seriously need for the kiddo. Well, need. Um, that is all relative when it comes to shopping for a baby girl because it is ALL so cute. So...the little floral capelet was not exactly a need for her....but a need for me. :)

My main goal was socks. I lurve me some Gap Baby Socks. They stay on...are uber soft and are really nice. Bonus. Socks are 4 for $10. And some of the colors I need are marked to 99 cents. I mean could this get any better? No I say. So I proceed to add an enormous pile o' sockage to the stroller top....well, the nice girls that work at Baby Gap think it is so helpful to take everything from you and put it I give the chic my socks and proceed to shop. Whiskered dark denim and a few sets of jammies later....I go to pay. Fabu. I scored.

Get socks. NO SOCKS IN MY BAG!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Wannabe @ 3:16 PM

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those stupid sock snatchers...

next time your back at baby gap you better give 'em a piece of your mind!

Posted by Blogger Sarah @ Saturday, October 01, 2005 1:11:00 PM #

I am so the type to do the same exact thing. I hate when I do things like that. And we live in this ruralish area so it's a pain to go out to "the city" to do thing like shop...bummer!

Posted by Blogger klk @ Tuesday, October 04, 2005 8:12:00 PM #
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