Saturday, May 13, 2006
Been a while...
Well I have no knitting news to report at all...because, well, I haven't picked up the sticks in over a week and a half. The whole house got the stomach bug so I spent a week taking care of the Bug and myself and now I've been trying to catch up. We are all feeling much better's amazing how you take being healthy for granted until you get really sick...then you think...will I ever feel healthy again?I'm on my way out to a Mother/Daughter Banquet at my MIL's church. I can't say I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm going to go and make the best of it for her sake. Otherwise, I need to get caught up around the house with some more cleaning, go grocery shopping and hopefully get my bill organizing all redone with my new system this weekend. The Mr. took off tomorrow and Monday so that will be nice....he will actually be home for 2 days/night in a ROW. This is big.
Monday my baby turns 2. I can't believe it...but I can't cry right now...I can't risk the mascara running.
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I'm sure your bills are an absolute mess, you slob! ;)
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Mother's Day and Happy 2nd Birthday to SYD!!!!!!