Saturday, November 11, 2006
We Are Family...
This is the newest member of our family. Dean. He is a 10 year old male kitty from Rescue, where I have voluteered at on the weekends for the past 4+ years. He will be coming home with me after my shift there on Monday night! After a long application, several phone interviews and an in-person meet this morning, it was decided that we are going to foster him with intent to adopt him permanently if he fits into our family and gets along with our other kitties. I am super excited. I absolutely LOVE this cat...he has been one of my favs there for a long time. He does have some special needs and will be on heart meds for the rest of his life. I'm looking forward to loving him for as long as he is with us. Welcome to our family sweet little man. :)
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You are awesome for doing this.
cute! i wish we could adopt a cat, but the husband is allergic. boo.
Congrats on the new baby! He is sweet.
ummm update?
Such a wonderul addition to the family. He is too precious and good for you becoming a foster mom.
soooo cute!! is he one lucky kitty to have you. what's his name?
we adopted our maddy-cat the same way... first by fostering her for a bit to make sure she was a good placement, then signing the official paperwork. I like that method. it's smart. that's awesome you volunteer for a rescue :o)