Friday, April 6, 2007
Grateful Friday
So okay I couldn't stay away till next week because I HAVE to do Grateful Friday and all. You know.Here goes:
- Looking back at pics of the Buggernut (like the one above of us in Connecticut in October 2005) and getting warm mushy feelings all over.
- Finally feeling like a normal human being today after 5 days of food poisoning hell
- Deciding to forego knitting last night to stay home and watch The Sentinel (oooo, Kieeeeeeffffeeeeeeeerrrrr....grrrr) with the Mister
- Because of the above, got 2 nights in a row of bedtime at 9pm...ahhhhhh
- Watching the Buggernut's face light up this morning when I gave her a breakfast of a whole wheat English muffin with raw peanut butter, fresh strawberries and kiwi....and have her look at it with wide eyes like I just handed her a bowl of Fruit Loops and Cotton Candy. I love that she loves healthy food.
- A pink hyacinth in a yellow pot on my dining room table. Happy Easter!
- Feeling semi-caught up after working like mad around the house the past few days.
- Knitting tomorrow with the grrrrls.
- LOTS of Rescue work this weekend....fundraiser event tomorrow afternoon and a shift on Sunday. I can't say enough how much I love my work there.
- Getting an invite to go to my aunt's in a few weeks just to lounge by the pool and hang out. I love spending time with her.
- Booking my day at the spa! Woot!
- Having the windows open this morning and smelling that nice fresh breeze coming in.
- Starting a new novel yesterday, The Time Traveler's Wife, recommended by Kelli, and knowing in the first few pages that I'm going to LOVE it.
- Receiving a Calculated Acts of Kindness envelope in the mail this week from Kelli and opening it to see lots of yummy fabric in it so I can start on making pony and clips! Thanks girl!
- Unpacking the box that came this week from Sara and remembering all the good times and love that I feel for my sisters.
- Working on a compilation CD yesterday for Tink's CD/card swap and gettin' all happy about 80's and 90's musac. It brings me back. Anyone remember Jenn and I flippin' our hair while singing 'More Than Words' by Extreme? Dude, we were so hot! LOL!
Labels: Grateful Friday
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Feeling like a human being is good, very good. :)
glad you are feeling better! couple things:
1. love your thankful friday's - you've inspired me to think more about what I am grateful for.
2. just adore your spoil me homemade etsy thing on the sidebar - bought some jewlery based on your link : )
3. must knit clapotis.....
Are you loving that book? SO GOOD!