Friday, June 1, 2007
Grateful Friday
This week I am grateful for:
- Miss Buggernut having nothing but a sore finger after getting stung by a scorpion (she was trying to pet it...). I was a bit freaked by all the side effects that COULD have happened, but she was really okay.
- My new foxy, kicky banner designed by the awesomeness aka Tink of The Art House fame. She rocketh my world.
- Knit night being fantastic last night. We have several new members that are going to start coming all the time! YEAH!
- My husband stepping up to the plate and being really awesome in times of "crisis" (read: toddler getting stung by scorpion) and overall being fantastic this week.
- A great week in general filled with lots of fun playdates, lunches and time with grandma.
Labels: Grateful Friday
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scorpion?!? holy crap. did you at east stomp on it after she got stung?
cool. apparently i'm a mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information and studies. i never knew that.
Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? Mega Bible site? Wha?
LOOOOVVVVVVEEEE the new banner! I think something is wrong with my bloglines - it didn't tell you posted something new...
Any - great banner! That Tink is something!
a scorpion? I'd scream my gutts out!!! Love the new banner..very funky!! Cool babe!!
Love the new banner, makes me want to design something with the millions of digi scrapbooking stuff that I have bought and downloaded onto my computer. So glad nothing more than a sore finger, I think the only thing that would keep my kids away from them is that they have seen them at the zoo exhibit. Awesome about knitting, how I wish my hubby could work early that day, I never get to go on Thursdays.
Love the new banner, loooks amazing.
hey woman! I have missed you SO much. I am glad that life is better at the moment. It seems as if things have slowed for the both of us. I can't believe she is already THREE! Remember back at APU when you were "wanna" for a reason??!!! Do me a favor and please email me because for some reason my emails aren't getting through to you. My bad, I imagine.
I think we have lots to catch up on.
OMG! That totally freaks me out! I'm glad she's okay!