Friday, July 25, 2008
I blame it all on Ravelry...
I've been kind of absent lately and I blame it all on Ravelry. It's just too easy to upload projects and yarn directly to Ravelry instead of posting here....but I'm going to try to get better. I have a lot to blog about, just need the patience to do it.
I've been up to a few things since I last blogged....the yummiest was a knitting retreat in Greer, Arizona with my knitting grrrls. We stayed in a beautiful cabin up in the mountains. The weather was absolutely gorgeous with rain and thunder and the highs in the 60's during the day. I know to some this sounds absolutely dreadful, but it's no picnic living in Phoenix in the summertime, so rain and cool weather are what we want. It also makes for delish knitting weather. We spent our time cooking yummy meals, knitting, spinning, talking, sharing, watching movies and bonding. I love my knitting group so much and it was great to spend a weekend away with them. Next time, we did decide to stay a little closer to home and to extend our stay. The 4 hour drive and only 1 full day wasn't quite enough...but it was fun, just the same. You can see my whole Flickr set of photos from the trip here.
While we were there, Gherkin and I decided to cast on for our first sweater...The February Lady Sweater. We chose the same yarn, got our gauge down pat before leaving home and were ready to cast on when we got there. All was well until my row gauge and hers were really different and my buttonholes were spaced 1.5 inches apart when the pattern stated that they were to be 2.5 inches to do. When I got home I finished the raglan increases and tried it on...the size I picked is perfect but I'm still not sure if I should rip and redo spacing the buttonholes at 2 inches or if I should keep going and see how it looks. Right now I'm ignoring her...she lives in the bottom of my knitting bag. But she is pretty....
Be back soon...I promise...with more sock results as well as a yummy cookie recipe and a Ravelympics project. Have a super weekend.
Labels: da blahs, DIC Smooshy, Life...le sigh, Ravelry, sock love
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That dang Ravelry! Love those socks - both of them - but I really need to try some Minestrone - your Rice Dream are gorgeous! Can't wait for more sweater o!
Love the socks (both yours and B's). Is the sweater for Rhinebeck?
Love the socks! Yarn Chef sock yarn is on my list of "must buy" - and now I want it now!
your yarn chef socks are too cute, and the yarn looks so soft. i may have to try some of that:o)
it's all really lovely here at chez wannabe. i love the chocolate socks!
Oh goodness, don't let Ravelry pull you away from the blog!!! I loved hearing about the knitting retreat. And those socks, yummy!!! I bet your February Sweater will look fine with the buttons closer together. Pull it back out and knit away!!
Sounds like a great knitting retreat. I love the color you're using for the February Lady sweater! Both socks look great as well :)
You are just whippin' out the socks! I'm so impressed. Repeat after me. I can knit the Lady Sweater. I can knit the Lady Sweater. I will not be intimidated by buttons holes.... repeat.
: )
Are you kidding me? JULY 25th?
I miss your posts.
Think of this as a blog hug.