Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Color me Organic, Baby.
I'm back. It was actually REALLY nice not to have to think about blogging. I feel really guilty when I don't blog. Like I'm doing some disservice to myself and my readers or something. Sorry 'bout that.So you know, I gift knit. A lot. A lot of the recipients of said gifties read this blog so it's hard to post till I actually gift the goods. This past Thursday...or shall I use the Buggernut's fav phrase...last Thursday....I spent time with a very dear friend of mine, Mikael. We've known each other for 7 years this summer. I luff her. She is funny, kind, very warm and open and I feel like I can tell her anything...she's just one of those friends. She's also preggers with her 3rd baby. This is amazing to me...not that she is pregnant for a 3rd time, but that when she was preggers with her first baby we had just met. Life changes so much in 7 years. Anywho, we met up at her house and then headed off to Cibo for a fabu-lass dinner. We gnoshed and talked up a storm. Then we headed back to her house for a slice of heaven aka Trader Joe's Mud Pie (hellllllllo...this is my new fav!) and gifties. Now she's a lot like me with gifts. I love givin', but hate receivin'. It's not that I don't appreciate the thought or anything, but I get embarrassed. I knew she was like this too, but I couldn't resist knitting her something for the new babe.
These are extremely crapalicious pictures because The Nut was napping and I had to photo in my bedroom. So I'm hoping she might post some pics to her blog when the new babe comes...since she's an amazing photographer and all. :)
Pattern: Organic Cotton Blanket from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms by Louisa Harding
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton in Sand
Needles: Denise Size 8
Pattern: Organic Cotton Bunny from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms by Louisa Harding
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton in Sand, very small amount of leftover Lamb's Pride Worsted in Charcoal Gray for eyes and nose
Needles: Straight Aluminums size 8
Labels: girlfriends rock, knitting
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aw..that bunny is cute cute cute!!!
Lucky baby!!! I get embarassed when i receive but love giving!! :)
don't it make ya feel broody? lol
adorable!!!! I didn't know you were knitting baby stuff (and here I thought I knew it all ; )
Both projects are so cute, That bunny is over the top adorable though. Your friends is an amazing photographer. Makes me want to get on the ball more and take more and get more clients.
Such a wonderful friendship.....and a wonderful friend!
Both are super cute and sweet...and organic...lovin that!
It's so great to have a close friend like that. And the gifts are super. I especially love the bunny - it's SOOOOOO cute!
wassup sucka. good to see you back.
What a great blanket and bunny!
you are in desperate need of a fresh new fun banner. i'll get right on that.
Oh my, blush!
My two boys have been fighting over who gets to play with the bunny and blanket until the new baby gets here.
Amanda, thank you so much for your love and kindness.
BTW, the material is so soft.
Awwww! They came out so cute! :) YOu are such a pretty knitter! And you knit pretty things, too!