Saturday, December 17, 2005
My Christmas Angel
A few of Miss Syd's portraits....Friday, December 16, 2005
I am a sucky blogger....yes, I said it...
I promise to be back after the holidays are over with some goodness....but for now I will leave you with this....Have you ever...?
smoked a cigar - yes
crashed a friend’s car - no
stolen a car - no
been in love - yes
been dumped - yes
dumped someone - yes
taken shots of alcohol - yes
been fired – no
been in a fist fight - no
snuck out of a/your house - errr, no of course not.
had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back- yes
been arrested - no
made out with a stranger - uh, what categorizes a stranger?
gone on a blind date - no
lied to a friend - yes
had a crush on a teacher-nope
seen someone die - no
been on a plane - yes
thrown up in a bar - no
miss someone right now - yes, i miss someone constantly
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yes
made a snow angel - yes
played dress up - yes
cheated while playing a game - yes
been lonely - YES a lot YES
fallen asleep at work/school - yes
used a fake id - no
felt an earthquake - nope
touched a snake - yes, ewwwww
run a red light - yes and I got a ticket to prove it...what, what
had detention - no
been in a car accident - yes
hated the way you look - yes (more often then not, but I'm working on it)
been lost - yes
been to the opposite side of the country - east coast baby
felt like dying - yes, but i'm working on that
cried yourself to sleep - yes
played cops and robbers - yes
karaoke - oh yes, and me knows how to rock the tunes...
done something you told yourself you wouldn’t - yes
laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - of course
caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes
kissed in the rain - yes
sang in the shower - yes
made love in a park - uh. no comment.
had a dream that you married someone - yes
glued your hand to something - no
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole -
worn the opposite sex’s clothes - yes
been a cheerleader –
sat on a roof top - yes
talked on the phone all night - YES!
ever too scared to watch scary movies alone – yes i'm a total fraidy cat
played chicken fight - no
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes
been told you’re hot by a complete stranger - yes, it's always a nice little confidence boost
broken a bone - no
dipped snuff - no...gross!...ewww...sickness
lived overseas - no
ever passed out/fainted - yes, it's a danger of having really low blood sugar
blown bubbles in the wintertime - no... but now I want to!!