Friday, February 23, 2007
Grateful Friday
- Having a fantastic playdate yesterday at the park with friends, Petra and Stef
- Finishing 2 knitting projects this week! WOOT!
- Discovering my new favorite latte: Grande Organic 3-pump almond latte
- Enjoying knitting last night with the above in hand and a toffee almond bar in another
- Getting a ton of housework done this week so I can actually enjoy the weekend without guilt
- Finishing 2 special projects this week that have been on the agenda for months and feeling a great sense of accomplishment because of it
- Always having warm shelter, food on the table and love from family
- New jeans
- Getting to go on another knitting "field trip" with Anne tomorrow to Jessica's
- Talking a TON to my sister this week and getting all warm and mushy inside about seeing her in a week and a half
- The Mister bringing me lunch home today on the of my favs: chicken walnut sandwich on whole grain bread, veggie pasta salad and a warm chocolate chip cookie
- The Buggernut napping today so I could enjoy that yummy lunch, watch 2 episodes of 24 and knit to my heart's content
Labels: Grateful Friday
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Classic Buggernutism
Tonight at dinner The Buggernut was less than cooperative. I think if I let her she would have just eaten tortilla chips and none of the black bean burritos I made. She was being a real stink at one point and wouldn't eat and was blatently laughing when the dh would tell her to eat. So he said...Wipe that smile off your face, I'm serious, you need to eat. So what did she do....she took her napkin, looked right at him and said...okay, I'm wiping the smile off...and proceeded to wipe her mouth. She took the napkin off her mouth and frowned. Little stinker. Of course, me being the nice, supportive mom that I am had to leave the table because I was laughing so hard.Labels: Buggernut
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I'm adddddicted...
to Dove. Seriously. Addicted. I must have eaten an entire bag this past week. You know those heart shaped numbers in the cutesy foil wrappers with a little fortune on the inside. I only like the dark chocolate ones though. I figure dark chocolate is high in when I'm stuffing my face like a kid on Christmas, all I think is well, blueberries have antioxidants too, right? And so does green tea which is a bag of chocolate must be it tastes better. Mmmmmmm......So peeps. If you want to show me some doesn't take takes Dove.
What's your latest adddddiction?
Labels: diary of fat lovin'
Friday, February 16, 2007
Grateful Friday
Okay so I've been absent. And busy. And I can't talk knitting cause it's all secretive right now 'cause it's for a few people that read this here blog. Ehem. I promise there will be pics soon. After the gifties are gifted.In Grateful Friday News:
- My sister, Sara and I talked EVERY day this week. Today was almost a record day. Not quite though 'cause I think we've talked a bit longer. By the time we ended the call it was approx 2 hours and 50 minutes. **Okay, Rich, if you read my blog, which would be weird considering you are my BIL, please just erase that from your memory.** Anywho, I'm seriously grateful for my sister, who makes me laugh with random comments about how even though Gwyneth Paltrow is considered an America-hater, she still loves her. Only 19 more days till I see her in person!!!
- My MIL. Yes, I said my MIL. She has been watching Syd for me every Tuesday morning lately so I can get out and have some me time. This past Tuesday I ran 7 ERRANDS...7! ALONE. It was heaven. Yes, errands all you childless people who are shaking your heads saying why is this chic happy about running errands alone and considers that me just WAIT!
- My dh and I have a date scheduled tomorrow. This is a ture novelty since I can't remember the last time we went out alone. We are going here to see this. The dh saw it was coming to town so I arranged for above sitter and we are going tomorrow. I can't wait!
- Getting our van detailed today. It looks SOOO nice. I lurve me a clean car.
- The Buggernut. As crazy as she drives me....she is also so sweet and caring. I love her heart.
- Getting another opportunity this weekend to work at Rescue's Open House. We had 6 cats adopted this past week and we are hoping for more thru this event.
Labels: Grateful Friday
Monday, February 5, 2007
Rescue Rocks
This weekend was Buuuuuusy but great. Saturday started off with The Nut and I going to Rescue's annual volunteer picnic. The whole idea is for all the volunteers to mingle and meet one another...I love this because I work with the same group of people all the time and never get to meet the people that do different things within the organization. Everyone at Rescue has the same passion...saving lives. We all have a really strong love for all the animals we have in our "system" and they become like our own. It's bittersweet when we have an adoption because as much as we want that dog or cat to find their forever home, we miss them so much. This week alone we had 5 cats adopted from the Feline Care Center, where I work and train people. We also had 4 cats put down from the equivalent of Parvo. It was a happy, but sad week. But, the more space we have, the more animals we can rescue from senseless deaths at our local pounds.I started working for Rescue about 4 years ago. I'm not really even sure where I heard about it, but I signed up immediately and started orientation the following week. I worked every Tuesday night and every other Saturday until I was 5 months pregnant, when my OB told me it would be better if I waited until after The Nut was born to volunteer again. It's a dirty job, what I do, and he didn't want to risk anything happening to me or the baby. I took over a year and a half off, but last February I started back up at Rescue every other weekend. I didn't realize how much I missed it. It's the most rewarding thing I do, besides raising Buggernut and I'm so proud to be a part of it. This past September, I was asked by the person who runs the Center if I could take over all the new volunteer training...I was thrilled. Not only could I spend more time there, but I could really teach people coming in how to do the job the way it needs to be done...something that hasn't been taught in the past because we didn't really have a formal training program. It's been going so well and I've met some great volunteers in the process. My work at Rescue is for ME. It's my haven, my good feeling, my contribution. So, this weekend I was blown away that I was recognized with an Outstanding Acheivement Award for the work I have done this past year. I cried. I did. I felt so touched that I was actually recognized for something I really never considered getting recognition for. It's not like a job to's more of a passion. To be honored for something you love, that is the best feeling ever. I feel like I should be giving Rescue an award...for saving so many lives and for touching mine each and every day.
Labels: Rescue
Friday, February 2, 2007
Grateful Friday
- The Buggernut being creative. I love that she'd rather paint, color (even on the windows and walls), draw with chalk, play with her MagnaDoodle, playsilks etc than watch TV. I LOVE that.
- Trader Joe's Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
- Organic Half Caff Extra Hot Hazelnut Lattes (yes, I'm semi-back on coffee)
- My taxes being done
- 5 cats being adopted from Rescue this week and Dean, our former foster kitty, being in foster again with a potential adopter!
- Super Bowl Sunday!!!
- 3/4 sleeved Old Navy perfect fit tees
- Having a productive knitting week
- Several knitting trades on Knitty that will result in me getting some Socks that Rock, Lorna's Laces, Socks Soar on 2 Circulars and Austermann Step sock yarn! WHAT WHAT!!!
- Being healthy this week
- Breyers Coffee Ice Cream
- Talking to my mom several times this week
Labels: Grateful Friday